It’s All Easter

Easter Day is over, but the Easter season continues on. Not only are there another 49 days to this year’s season, but our lives are shaped by Easter. In the hymn, Easter People Raise Your Voices, the songwriter declares, “Every day to us is Easter with it’s resurrection song.” Indeed, we are an Easter People with the power of the resurrection singing through us all […]

Diverse Treasures

Life occasionally presents us with interesting juxtapositions, times when we become aware of our great diversity and the infinite creativity of God. Today is one of those times for me. Yesterday, I met with a friend who offered his consulting services to our church. We spent a couple of hours looking at ways to enhance the audio/visual system in our Sanctuary. We discussed difference between […]


“If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all peoples to myself” – John 12:32 Sometimes, when an idea, thought or story is repeated too frequently, it begins to loose its power and even its meaning. It seems so familiar, so obvious, that it feels overdone. Nearly everyone has the memory of a friend or relative that retells a favorite story whenever […]