
“If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all peoples to myself” – John 12:32

Sometimes, when an idea, thought or story is repeated too frequently, it begins to loose its power and even its meaning. It seems so familiar, so obvious, that it feels overdone. Nearly everyone has the memory of a friend or relative that retells a favorite story whenever they find the opportunity. Before long those around them can repeat it from memory and shortly there after they begin to hope they will not have to hear it again.
So what about the Gospel, Is it possible for the message of the saving love of God to be overworked? Can we tell the story too often or in ways that seem too familiar? Does the Christian message need to be repackaged and enhanced to make it meaningful to this generation?

Many feel the answer to these questions is, “Yes.” They argue that the message seems outdated and since it has been proclaimed for 2000 years, the story is so familiar that is no longer connects with the world around us. The tales of Jesus seem like quaint pieces of folklore meant to appease the needs of the faithful, and according to those who hold this belief, the message of the Gospel should be made more interesting and relevant to the modern culture.

The truth is, the Gospel has been overworked, but not in the way we tend to think. The overworking comes in the form of trying to make the Gospel meaningful when it already is. The followers of Jesus Christ try to take on the responsibility for making Jesus great although His greatness has nothing to do with us. We simply cannot make the Gospel better, nor can we make Jesus more relevant. The message stands on its own power, and if left alone accomplishes exactly what it is set forth to do. We do not need to make Jesus great, we need to declare the power of His greatness.

Jesus said, “If I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all peoples to Myself.” The compelling power of the message is in the hands of Christ alone. We can lift Him up, but He does the drawing and the transforming. When we allow ourselves to share the simple message of the love of God, we begin to see just how powerful and timeless the story really is. The impact of the God’s simple truth on the hearts of people today is as meaningful and effective as it ever was, because He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The Easter message may be familiar. For some, it may be one of the few messages they hear, but it will never be overdone for it is the greatest message ever shared. The truth that God is madly in love with us and desires with all His heart to have an eternal relationship with us; the wonder of His willingness to make a way for that relationship through His Son Jesus Christ, and the promise of His presence with us, is the story that will change the world.

This year, as you celebrate the joy and wonder of the resurrection, let the message stand for what it is, the truth. The Gospel is compelling and it is as relevant today as ever. Lift up the Lamb of God and then stand aside as He draws the world to Himself.

About Chuck