Diverse Treasures

Life occasionally presents us with interesting juxtapositions, times when we become aware of our great diversity and the infinite creativity of God. Today is one of those times for me.

Yesterday, I met with a friend who offered his consulting services to our church. We spent a couple of hours looking at ways to enhance the audio/visual system in our Sanctuary. We discussed difference between projection systems and LCD flat screens. We discussed video editing, computers and software for managing our presentations. We even looked at ways to begin live streaming our Sunday Services. It was a wonderful time spent looking at incorporating modern technology into our ministry.

Today, I am awaiting a shipment of materials including a portable altar set and a processional cross. Both items are part of the traditional representation of our faith. As I pondered this position over breakfast, I thought about how wonderful it is to bridge connections between our past and our future and the words of Jesus came to mind, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” (Matthew 13:52 NIV)

I realize that Jesus was not referring to PowerPoint and processional crosses, but the theology of how and why we worship, along with how and why we share the Gospel message, are deeply connected to his words. There are wonderful possibilities awaiting as we embrace the future and it’s tools for communication and ministry. There is also a depth of richness to be found in the teaching and traditions of our past. As we learn to draw both treasures from the storehouse, we make our spiritual life and ministry sing with the words and images of our infinitely creative God.

Along this Lenten journey we, “remember that we are dust and to dust we will return.” we remember our brokenness and the wounding of our Savior. We draw on powerful words and images of the past to understand our place in the present. Yet, as we make our way, our hearts and minds begin yearning for the future, for words of justification and restoration, for signs of divine love and for opportunities to embrace the “new thing” God is doing in our day.

It is a strange and wonderful juxtaposition, but should really expect anything less when we travel this path with God? Is it surprising that the God of possibilities would weave something beautiful from ancient and future treasures? If we will let the Spirit enliven our senses and clarify our vision, we will see ever more of God’s revelation in our lives, our ministry and the world.

May your eyes, physical and spiritual, be open to God’s presence in your past, present and future, and may you celebrate each and every treasure along the way.

About Chuck