The Art of Autumn

Fall is a statement of God’s beautiful creativity. Every year in our region, we see the wonder of creation displayed in the vibrant color of autumn leaves, in amazing skies, and in harvest moons. The rich smells of harvest foods, firewood burning and even those colorful leaves returning to compost, awaken our senses to the beauty around us.

It is easy to take such things for granted. We experience them every year and our attention is often on making preparations for the upcoming winter. Nevertheless, the rich blessing of God’s autumn art surrounds us, pointing to a God of infinite creativity and beauty.

Creation did not need to be designed with such beauty. Leaves could simply dry up, turn ugly and fall to the ground. Their decay could be putrid and offensive. Fall evenings could be overcast, dark and damp. It was not necessary that this season be marked with such wonder, but through the sights, sounds and smells of this season, God demonstrates his character.

I must confess that this is my favorite season. Yes, I look forward to winter and snow. It is part of why I chose to live in Western New York. I also love the warmth and joys of summer, and who could not appreciate the freshness of spring as life comes forth once again. However, if I had to pick a favorite time of year, it would be the fall. I love crisp nights, the sights and smells, the pleasure of apple cider and playing in the leaves. I love watching the dark clouds set against the bright sky, especially when rays of sunlight break through like beams connecting earth to heaven, and the golden linings on those clouds are stunning. With every new day, there are opportunities to enjoy the season’s beauty and to give thanks to God.

Throughout the Psalms, the psalmist finds reasons to praise God for the beauty and wonder of creation. He wonders aloud at how marvelous God’s works are and reflects on his place in such a beautiful and wonderful universe. In the face of the sun, moon and stars comes the affirmation of God’s creativity and provision. In the diversity of animals, birds and fish is expressed the limitless imagination of the Holy One. In the predictability of each day and the consistency of the changing seasons the God of order is displayed. Everywhere the writer looks, there is a testimony to the Creator.

Like the psalmist, you and I have an opportunity every day to see God. There are God sightings all around us, often too many to remember and record, but when we are attentive to what creation is saying, we begin to understand just what it means to have even, “the rocks cry out.” At times, like the autumn season, the testimony of creation is more evident. At other times, we may have to be more attentive and look more deeply, but at all times, there is evidence of the wonder, beauty and majesty of God. Everywhere we look, the is the opportunity to see God’s nature revealed in nature and God’s creativity to be seen in Creation.

May this new season awaken your senses to beauty and wonder and may it stir your spirit to sense the presence of God. May you receive the gift offered to you this autumn and may you too declare the glories of God in your thoughts, words and deeds. Together we can join with all creation in giving praise to God.

About Chuck

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