Power of Music

I confess, I love my iPod. Not that I particularly endorse the product, but I love the ability to have all of my favorite music with me wherever I go. No matter what my mood, or location, I can always find something.

This morning, I was listening to some popular tunes from when I was a teenager while brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day. I suppose, by now, they are considered oldies or classics, but to me they are memories of special times in my life. It is amazing how music can take you back to parts of your past. A little Edgar Winter and BTO and I am a teenager again. Turn on the Brazilian music and I am back in Rio, and the dance tunes carry me off to special weddings and celebrations. Music is a gift.

Music also plays a similar part in my spiritual journey. While certain songs can evoke deep emotions and an increased awareness of the presence of God, I find that one of music’s most powerful spiritual effects is to bring to mind what I need to remember about my relationship with God, especially when I need that memory the most.

While I was in college, a group of the students got together on Sunday nights to sing choruses, read Scripture and pray. The songs were simple, many only Scripture set to music, but they were memorable as was the experience of singing them together with friends. I found great meaning and comfort in those times, but never considered the impact they would have on my future.

Today, I find those songs returning at opportune times. Often, while wrestling with some issue or concern in my life or ministry, I will find myself singing one of those spiritual “oldies” while I am in the shower or driving in the car. The words frequently point me toward the answer God is drawing me toward, or speak encouragement to my heart. These simple treasures become means of grace for me, ways in which God can capture my attention and strengthen my spirit when I need it most.

There was no epiphany this morning from “Free Ride” or “Takin’ Care of Business” but you never know when the power of music will be the doorway to divine revelation. I’ll keep listening, maybe you will too.

About Chuck