What Happened?

“Chuck, did you choose to become a pastor because it was an easy job?” One of my best friends in college asked me this question, and she was completely serious. Her perspective on what ordained ministry entailed was built on a number of assumptions. The assumptions fuel the classic comments I’ve received, like, “must be nice to only work an hour a week.” These beliefs […]

More Than a Diagnosis

Imagine this scenario. You arrive at the doctor’s office after taking a fall, with sharp pain in your arm. The doctor examines you, runs a few tests, and takes X-rays of your arm. After looking at the results, she informs you that your arm is broken and that is the cause of your pain. You wait but nothing happens. You ask about your broken arm, […]

Working for Good

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28 I don’t know if I’ve seen any particular scripture reference used more poorly than the one above. In my own life, and in the lives of many others, people used this verse to suggest that God allowed, […]