Working for Good

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

I don’t know if I’ve seen any particular scripture reference used more poorly than the one above. In my own life, and in the lives of many others, people used this verse to suggest that God allowed, even caused, bad things to happen in order to accomplish something good.

When my father suddenly abandoned our family when I was 14, numerous people quoted this verse in a strange attempt to comfort me. They kept implying that, if I waited, I would see that God caused this situation so that something better would happen. I can assure you this created anything but comfort. All I could think as I pondered these comments was, “Really, the all-powerful God of the universe could only accomplish a good thing in my life by putting my family through pain?” It didn’t inspire much faith.

As a pastor, I’ve listened as people quoted this verse to others in the midst of grief and tragedy. I am sure it is meant well, but it hardly represents the compassionate God who stands with us in our pain, who is broken-hearted by our suffering, and who grieves the pain of sin and brokenness in the world. It is a cold word that comes all to easily from a “everything happens for a reason” theology. The truth is, sometimes the reason is that there is evil in the world.

At the same time, we cannot simply negate this verse. While we were never meant to use it to dismiss someone’s pain, there is a promise of hope that lies within these words. God does not need bad things to produce good. God is the source of all goodness. However, it is God’s power and goodness that works in the midst of evil, suffering, and pain to redeem every situation. In our times of struggle, God is with us, comforting us, and speaking life over us, even in the face of death.

I see this loving power of God in situations small and large. Sunday, I caught the flu, which is also why I missed Tuesday’s post. I hated being sick, and I was disappointed in the way it disrupted my plans. I missed out on things I truly value. At the same time, left with little I could do, I found time for some much needed rest, time to pray, listen to God, and saturate myself with Scripture. I did not need to be sick to accomplish these things, but the days of sickness were not lost or wasted because the presence of God redeemed them.

I’ve seen God do even bigger things, in more extreme circumstances. I’ve watched cancer survivors become support for others facing the disease. I’ve seen people who walked through the darkness of great grief become light to others traveling a similar path. I’ve watched those who go without provide care for those with less. The list of such occurrences is long, but in each case I know I am watching God work for good in every situation, as people comfort others with the same comfort they received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:4)

Not every circumstance is good, but God works for good in every situation, and it is for our good. This is why we can rejoice always, because God is always near and at work. We may not choose our circumstances, but we can choose faith, hope, and joy in the midst of them, because God is at work and that is always good.

About Chuck

5 thoughts on “Working for Good

    1. I am glad God was able to speak to you through my words. Praying that God continues to encourage you!

  1. This comes as I have tried to explain to someone that God did not make this happen to them. I told them that when evil does it’s works, that God protects Us all during these times. We might not understand or see it at the time but he is there for Us always. Thank you Pastor Chuck for your inspiration and guidance of God’s word.

    1. I am glad it came at the right time! I am also glad you are willing to help others understand God’s love! Glad this was meaningful to you, it is certainly important to my journey. Blessings!

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