Where is the Love?

Thank you for your patience. The post I planned for yesterday no longer felt right, and what I sensed I should write needed time to be written with the right words. This past weekend, our region learned of the death of Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14 year old boy who was struggling with some significant issues in his life. He was also dealing with bullies. On […]

What’s the Answer?

I confess, I am one of those people who loves logic puzzles. I think it goes back to my childhood when my father would use them to get me to go to sleep, or to be quiet in the car. He would say, “Charlie, I will give you 50 cents if you can answer this,” and then there would be some mental puzzle about two […]

More Lovers, Less Haters

This morning, I am using the following video clip as the close of the message. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa9JE_ZVL88&feature=related In the clip, Penn Jillette, an outspoken atheist, tells the story of receiving a Bible from a gentleman following his performance. Jillette has been active in proclaiming that there is no god, Christian or otherwise, and even went so far as to take the “Blasphemy Challenge” offered by the Rational […]