They Will Know

During my time as a student at Houghton College, there was a praise chorus that was very popular. Occasionally, I still hear it sung. The words were simple, yet very profound. After celebrating our unity as believers in Christ, the chorus declares, “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”

The words of this chorus are deeply rooted in the words of Jesus when he told his disciples, “by this will everyone know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Notice, he did not say that people would know we are his followers by the logo on our t-shirt, by the size of our Bible, nor by the structure we worship in. The world will not affirm our faith in Christ and his influence in our lives by the years we’ve attended church, the positions we hold, or even the words that we speak. No, the telltale sign that we belong to Christ is the love that we have for one another.

As we enter into the month of February, when people will celebrate affection and love, it is a perfect time to reflect on how we are demonstrating real love. Are we putting Christ and his purposes first? Are we speaking blessing over one another and over the world around us? Are we setting aside our differences and working in unity to demonstrate the loving power of Jesus? When people look at us and the way we treat others, do they see Jesus Christ, or do they just see us?

When we put Christ first, celebrate his love for us and share that love with others, we take one more great step toward the transformation of the world. You and I can make a difference. We can change our environment and the world around us. We can truly show all people that we are Christ’s disciples by the love we have for each other, When they see the beauty of that discipleship, they will desire a similar experience. They will desire Christ.

Real love is more than a rose, a card or a day on the calendar. It is the power of heaven to lead people to Christ and transform the world. Friends, let us love one another even as Christ has loved us.

About Chuck