The Gift of Rest

It is a cold Saturday morning. There is a fire in the fireplace and warm oatmeal settling in to nourish us for the day. No particular agenda is pressing, and the house is still relatively quiet. It is a perfect time to relax and savor the moment, and I am battling the desire to, “just get a little more work done.”

Maybe you have experienced it, and modern technology certainly enhanced it, but the sense that we must use every available moment to get work done is persistent and pervasive. People I talk to frequently express similar feelings and the sense of guilt that comes from knowing you could get something done and not do it.

Even the people around us can encourage that behavior, challenging us to accomplish just a little bit more and causing us to feel like we are slacking if we take time to rest and relax. I remember a time that someone even told me that if I had time to have coffee with friends, then I had time to do one more task they wanted done.

There is always work that can be done, but the need for rest, relaxation and recreation is equally important. God exemplified that in the story of creation by resting on the seventh day, and repeatedly encouraging people throughout the Scripture to embrace a Sabbath and to rest. Even Jesus took time in the midst of his ministry schedule to pull away and rest, to be with friends and to be with God. We need that time as well.

My uncle, who is also a pastor, challenged me early in my ministry to remember that, “the pastor who is always available, usually isn’t much good when he or she is available.” How true this is and not just for pastors. We need to make time, and take advantage of the times we are given to rest in the Lord, to recharge and to allow the Spirit to re-create us. We need to enjoy family, and quiet, and savor the opportunity to do nothing. All too soon there we will be working again, and we will want to give our best to God by giving our best to the task at hand.

So today, find a moment to rest. If not today, tomorrow or someday soon. Lose the guilt and embrace the gift. I am going back to the fire and my family to savor this peaceful moment and all that God is doing in me right now. I pray that you will find a similar blessing from God as you rest in him.

About Chuck

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