Working Through the Mess

Sometimes, we have to work through the mess. Once again this year, I am participating in Inktober, a challenge created by artist Jake Parker to crest one ink drawing a day for the month of October. My first year was 2016, and the process was helpful in strengthening my drawing skills. This year, I am a little behind, but enjoying the process. Day one of […]

Working for Good

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28 I don’t know if I’ve seen any particular scripture reference used more poorly than the one above. In my own life, and in the lives of many others, people used this verse to suggest that God allowed, […]

Words of Comfort

Yesterday was challenging. Mid-afternoon, we received a call from my wife’s new doctor informing us that that her recent tests showed that she was in serious condition and that we needed to go to the emergency room right away. It was a life-threatening situation. You can imagine the fear, and a host of other emotions, that flooded us in that moment. Things can turn upside-down […]