Learning My Own Lesson

Have you ever come face to face with a truth about yourself that wasn’t pretty? Moments like these are never particularly enjoyable, but many times they can be very valuable times. Yesterday, while shopping at a local store, I had the opportunity to visit with a couple of friends. We were busy sharing laughs and a few stories, when one of my friends asked the […]

More Lovers, Less Haters

This morning, I am using the following video clip as the close of the message. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa9JE_ZVL88&feature=related In the clip, Penn Jillette, an outspoken atheist, tells the story of receiving a Bible from a gentleman following his performance. Jillette has been active in proclaiming that there is no god, Christian or otherwise, and even went so far as to take the “Blasphemy Challenge” offered by the Rational […]