Night Lessons

What we give our attention to during the day, often makes its way into our nights. Many of us likely remember a few scary dreams that came after watching a frightening movie, or waking up with a song we listened to playing in our heads. It is not uncommon for things we studied to surface in our minds as we try to sleep, and many […]

It’s All Easter

Easter Day is over, but the Easter season continues on. Not only are there another 49 days to this year’s season, but our lives are shaped by Easter. In the hymn, Easter People Raise Your Voices, the songwriter declares, “Every day to us is Easter with it’s resurrection song.” Indeed, we are an Easter People with the power of the resurrection singing through us all […]

Out of the Ashes

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.” The words are stark, but this traditional phrase, spoken at the imposition of ashes during the Ash Wednesday service, is a powerful entrance to the meaning of the Lenten season. Lent began yesterday, and once again we embarked upon our 40 day journey toward the joy of Easter. These precious days give us an […]