
“I don’t want to study!” I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard those words, and how many times I said them. There are times when all of us would rather not expend the metal effort to take in more information. Sometimes we feel too tired or maybe the material does not excite us, but whatever the reason, we don’t feel like learning any […]

Fear Not!

“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” so say the classic words of the childhood story of the little chicken who clamored for attention. They are words we remember, and sadly, words we hear every day. There are numerous voices that attempt to speak into our thoughts and lives every day. Some speak blessing and hope, while others curses and fear. Some come with […]

Make Me Holy

Have you ever stumbled upon a quote, a scripture, a hymn or prayer that suddenly exploded with significance to you? It is amazing how amid all of the words and images of each day, something of deep meaning can break through. It is one thing to find those treasures while on retreat or in a time of intense reflection. It is something even more amazing […]