Make Me Holy

Have you ever stumbled upon a quote, a scripture, a hymn or prayer that suddenly exploded with significance to you? It is amazing how amid all of the words and images of each day, something of deep meaning can break through. It is one thing to find those treasures while on retreat or in a time of intense reflection. It is something even more amazing to me, when they are found in the midst the busyness of daily life.

Recently, during my preparations for the new class I am teaching, I happened upon a website with a rich deposit of ancient prayers of the saints. I was pleased because I was looking for prayers to include with the study guides I was creating for the participants. As I browsed, I found these simple, yet profound words to God, offered by the 4th century Christian, Augustine.

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.

I was, and remain, deeply touched by these unassuming words that link my relationship with the Holy Spirit to my ability to live and act as one who is holy, set apart to God.

Holiness is not an easy task. Maintaining a life of personal and social holiness requires an awareness of the pervasive needs around me and within me. It demands a deep commitment to go beyond acknowledgement of concerns to actions that bring the transforming power of God to work in our circumstances. Holiness of heart and life is a daily discipline that molds our life and the world around us. It is so challenging, that it cannot be accomplished on our own. We need God to enable us to live a life of holiness.

This is where I find Augustine’s prayer so powerful. In simple words, he asks that God would make his inner life holy, and then do the same to his life and work with others. From there, he asks to grow in love of holiness, protecting the ground he already gained while experiencing an even deeper passion for more, until he is completely holy.

John Wesley reminds us that we are God’s people, “going on to perfection.” We are on a journey where the destination is not just heaven, but perfection and holiness in God. Every day, every moment, we can take another step in that direction. Will you join me in praying this ancient prayer and allow God to make us holy inside and out until the light of Christ within us can shine fully and brightly into all the world?

About Chuck

2 thoughts on “Make Me Holy

  1. Another beautiful message, Chuck. Universal in its message. It has given me a wonderful idea for the eulogy I am going to write for my father’s memorial service. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance.

  2. Thank you. I am glad there was a nugget of inspiration there for you. You are in my prayers as you prepare for the service. If I can offer any other help, be sure to let me know.

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