Why? (Where’s the Love Part 2)

Writing yesterday’s post was troubling. Not only because the subject matter was painful, but because the issue of hatred and bullying is so overwhelming. I could not help but feel there was more to consider. Whenever one of these tragedies occurs, there is a sudden outburst of emotion by people troubled by horror of what happened, accompanied by reflections on how we can stop or […]

Great Followers

The tech and business world is abuzz with thoughts and comments surrounding Steve Jobs resignation as CEO of Apple Inc. What will happen to the company’s products and services? What impact will this decision have on stock prices, and how will the news affect Wall Street overall? What happens now? What happens next? Whenever significant changes occur in such public ways, there are always many […]


“I am just not feelin’ it.” That was exactly how I felt yesterday, as I stared at a blank screen pondering what to write for my blog post. I’ve actually felt that way off-and-on for several days. I love to write, but I simply did not feel inspired. Then, last night, I got the word. While watching a rerun of an episode of Art Race, […]