Great Followers

The tech and business world is abuzz with thoughts and comments surrounding Steve Jobs resignation as CEO of Apple Inc. What will happen to the company’s products and services? What impact will this decision have on stock prices, and how will the news affect Wall Street overall? What happens now? What happens next?

Whenever significant changes occur in such public ways, there are always many questions and many assumptions. This news is no different and the discussion even made its way into our van as we came home last night. My son began talking about who could replace Jobs and where Apple would look to find someone. This provoked some interesting conversation, but a key point I raised in our discussion was that any company looking to successfully navigate a change like this would be wise to look for someone within the company who understood the company’s DNA. My wife and son agreed then they said, “but it won’t be the same.”

They are right. We all know that when leadership changes, something significant shifts. Even though we talk about the power of an institution to follow its design, we know that leadership plays a significant roll in how the vision is put into practice and how people are willing to follow.

The Apostle Paul wrote the Corinthians, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1) He understood the importance of leadership to shape others, and he also understood that the good leadership involves being a good follower.

Leadership is a popular theme in the world, and it is in the Church as well. It seems everyone wants to be a leader. Those in charge are highly valued and respected and many aspire to be in someone else’s position. It is almost like an adult version of King of the Hill. The best leaders, however, are not just those with the right degrees, background or connections. Great leadership comes from following a great model and then modeling those same great behaviors for others to follow.

This is why Paul could tell his listeners to follow him, for he knew that he was following Christ. He sought to model his life after the life of Jesus and invited the Corinthians to do the same by following him to Christ. We should do likewise.

Jesus invested tremendous time in his disciples, helping them understand the kingdom of God through his words and actions. On the night of his crucifixion, he began his last meal with them, by taking on the role of a servant and washing their feet. Then he told them that they should do as he did, following his example.

 Jesus is our example. We need to follow him, and then we need to be Jesus with flesh on for the world around us. When people look at us they should see the One who we follow in us, in our words and in our actions. It should be clear that we belong to him.

Thankfully, our leader will never resign, so there is no concern over his replacement, but as followers, we can help others follow as well. If we follow the model set before us, and allow him to dwell within us, then we too, can encourage those around us to follow us as we follow Christ. We need to be good followers first, then we can begin to think about becoming leaders.

May the eyes of our hearts be on the Leader so that we can be followers worth following.

About Chuck

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