All Heaven is About to Break Loose

Four weeks of Advent anticipation brought us to this moment, Christmas is upon us. Many of us will gather for worship tonight, celebrating the birth of Jesus. Many families will make time for private worship to bless one another in celebration of God’s great love.

Many people will not see the spiritual reality playing out before them. Like the multitudes in Bethlehem two millennia ago, the busyness of the season, families, and expectations will eclipse the monumental event that takes place in an unexpected place. There, in the midst of the ordinary Christmas chaos, all heaven is about to break loose.

It would be hard to deny that we live in tumultuous times. Deep divisions surround us, hatred seems commonplace, and fear is a ubiquitous emotion. Cultural prophets declare doom and destruction, while media capitalizes on the fear that grips us. If we were to believe all that we are told, everything is going to hell, but is it really?

We tend to think that our circumstances are unique, that our times are different than what came before us and we define the world through our daily experience. That may be normal, but it is very myopic. We are not the first to believe the world was falling apart, nor is our world the whole world. We are not the first to need good news, nor are we the first to receive it. Amidst the shouting of bad reports, is the small, steady declaration of Good News. It is the darkness that surrounds us that is about to be pierced with the brightness of heaven, and the darkness will not overcome it (John 1:5).

While the fear-mongers attempt to play upon our emotions, we are bold to believe that, “of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.” (Isaiah 9:7) Those who profit from the spirit of fear will do everything in their power to kill our hope and faith. Like King Herod who knew a messiah would dethrone him and was willing to resort to drastic measures to hold on to what he possessed, so modern Herods panic when faced with the loss of their position and control.

In spite of their best efforts, just as on the first Christmas, heaven breaks loose and nothing can stop it. Angels proclaim the good news to those who are waiting and reveal the wonder of the heavens in sight and song. The heavens declare the glory of God, calling the attentive to journey to the beauty of the new creation. In ordinary mangers of human hearts, the precious gift of heaven is born, and nothing in all of creation can separate us from him.

As we approach this blessed Christmas Eve, let the world shout a fearful message, for we know there is a better word. Let people trust in government leaders, power, wealth, and all the other trappings of the world, for our hope is in the name of the Lord. Once again, let us go to Bethlehem to see this thing that has happened. Let us seek the Savior born to us, who is Christ the Lord. Let us look into the eyes of the Love of heaven and adore him, for, through him, all heaven is about to break loose.

About Chuck