A Mission From God

We are preparing for mission… well, for a mission trip. We are already on a mission. That is an every day purpose and perspective, leading our thoughts, words, and actions. Being on mission is intrinsic to following Jesus. Where Jesus goes, we go, and what Jesus does, we do.

In one sense, this mission trip will only be an extension of what we already do, as we share the love of Jesus Christ with others. However, this will also be a new experience, not only because we are in a different location, but because God will be stretching us, inviting us to move beyond our comfort zones to discover a larger perspective at where the Spirit is at work.

We will be partnering with people enmeshed in this ministry every day, as they care for their neighbors and community. We are not going on this experience to be saviors, fixers, or leaders. We are going to embrace the spirit of Christ and be servants. The immensity of the need is hard to measure and we do not have all the solutions, but what we have we will give.

The Apostle Peter was going with John to the temple for prayer. On the way, they meet a man, unable to walk since birth. He was on his way to beg for whatever help he could find, hoping for enough to keep getting through each day. Two men on their way to pray meet a man praying for provision. It sounds exactly like a moment God likes to create.

Peter and John invite this man to look at them. He does, expecting something from them, but they tell him they have no money to give him. Expectation gives way to disappointment, but the apostles continue, “we do not have silver or gold, but what we have, we give to you.” What else could they have? If they were unable to meet this man’s needs why even bother him?

In an amazing, unexpected moment, the apostles tell the man, “what we have we give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” Miraculously, the man receives his mobility and goes away praising God.

Some people would like to discount, or diminish, the miracle. They prefer to focus on what they believe can be accomplished. However, that is like owning a car without an engine. It is a form of faith without its power. The apostles followed Jesus, saying what he said and doing what he did. They did not have their own resources, but they did posses the power of he Spirit.

Sitting on the porch of a beautiful home, writing this on my iPad, I know I am not in poverty. I have resources to share and I will gladly share what God provided. Still, I know that what I am called to give away is much greater that my possessions. It is the love of God. It is the compassion that gives more than a handout, but validates the humanity and sacred worth of every person I meet. It is also the power of God living in me, that is able to do “exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all I can ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)

I do not know who we will meet on our mission. I do not know the specifics of their needs. What I know is the the love, compassion, and power of the One I follow, and I am called to share what I have, not just on this mission, but every day.

I am not alone. Each of us who follow Christ are temples of the Holy Spirit. Each of us is on a mission from God. Each of us have the power of God to change lives and together, we can see God comfort the hurting, heal the broken, and transform the world. Settling for what we can already do on our own robs us of the power of real faith and steals healing from the world. It is time for the people of God to reveal the power of God as we fully embrace our mission and the Spirit who empowers us.

About Chuck

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