Lessons from a Squirrel

Snow and frigid temperatures make staying indoors very tempting right now. Navigating roads and sidewalks is difficult, if not dangerous, and the windchill makes your skin hurt. There is nothing inviting about these times. The stark cold and snow, along with overcast skies, can be discouraging and depressing. Curling up and waiting for it all to pass seems like a natural thing to do.

Looking out my windows, I can see that most of the neighborhood is enjoying time at home. Schools are closed, traffic is significantly reduced, and chimneys belch out smoke and exhaust from fireplaces and furnaces. Staying safely warm seems to be the order of the day, except for one lone squirrel.

Apparently, my little friend did not get the memo. Instead of holing up somewhere, he is out enjoying the adventure, climbing the snow drifts, making art with his tracks on the pristine snow, and sitting on the tree limbs watching over his domain. He is clearly making the most of this snow day.

The world can seem cold and hostile. At the very least this feels uninviting, and often it seems equally discouraging and depressing. Our spirits weaken, our passion fades, and we feel like locking ourselves away to await better days. Putting in the effort to engage the harsh reality around us seems like too much work, while staying isolated in our own comfort is a great temptation.

Yet, somewhere in the midst of it all, there is a voice calling us to venture forth into the hostile environment and seize the day. There is a nagging awareness in the back of our minds that adventures are waiting that only the brave will experience. Tempted to retreat, our child-like selves keep reminding us of the passion we once had for days like this, times when we needed parents to remind us of the severity of the cold, and protect us from our passion to embrace it all with joy.

Of course, there is wisdom in assessing the risk, and we need to protect ourselves from the dangers around us. Yet, the neighborhood squirrel reminds me that our desire for safety can easily eclipse our passion for adventure. Maybe, instead of frequently retreating from the harsh reality that surrounds us, we ought to embrace the possibilities as we go out to leave the imprint of our lives on the world.

Most of our town will never see the tracks through my yard. They will likely be covered over by the blowing snow very soon. Still, I saw them; maybe someone else did too, and the squirrel knows they are there, because he was there.

Safety and security are valuable, but measured risk yields a reward. Stepping into places others are wary to go gives us experiences others never have, and leaves the mark of our lives in places that would otherwise be empty. We need those experiences, and the world does too. We are people with a purpose. We have a mission that is bigger that the confines of our comfort and safe space. It will not be easy. It will not be safe. Oh, but it will be exciting, meaningful, and worthwhile.

The world may be cold, but warmed by the Spirit, we can go forth to make meaningful marks along the way, while we savor the joy of the adventure. Unknown to him, my new friend, the squirrel, taught me a lot about embracing the life God gives me and offering my unique presence to those around me. Maybe, he has something to say to you today, as well.

About Chuck