Wait for It

“Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it. For there is still a vision for the appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay.” – Habakkuk 2:2-3

Twenty-four years ago, God gave me a vision. I was walking to church and I saw it. The image was as clear in my mind and spirit as if it stood before me. I saw the church I pastored, but it looked different. There were additions to the original building and increased parking space. The Church was full of activity. I was not counting people, but everywhere I looked, ministry was happening. I didn’t know what all the ministries were, but I could see people blessed in, and by, the work that was taking place. People were coming and going, and those that left were clearly on a mission. The community, region, and the world were affected by what God was doing.

I was overwhelmed with excitement and joy. God was moving, and the church was being the body of Christ. You can imagine the hope that filled me, and how it grew as I saw the plans for the first addition begin to come together. The vision was seared into my thoughts, and my heart. I could not wait to see what would happen next. However, it was not long before I found out I was about to be assigned to a new church. I couldn’t understand why God gave me such a clear vision, only to remove me from it.

I began to think God gave me the vision so that I would pray for it to come to pass, which I continued to do. I wondered if it might be preparation for something else God wanted me to do, but it seemed so specific. After a few years, I started to believe that the vision was for someone else and, while I continued to pray, I felt like I lost something. From time to time, my wife would say, ” Maybe, one day, you will go back and finish it.” I loved the sentiment, but it simply wasn’t possible… until it was. After 22 years of waiting in prayer, I was offered the opportunity to return. Many pieces of that vision are already in place, but the passion God gave me decades ago is once again burning brightly in my heart. God’s appointed time arrived.

The Lord told Habakkuk to keep the vision large, and to wait for it. The vision came with an appointed time, and God’s visions do not lie. God’s timing is not ours, and when God is ready, the vision will surely come. It may seem as if the fulfillment of the vision is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. What feels like a delay, is actually preparation, but it is easy to give up in the season of preparation. We can lose hope and faith that God will fulfill it.

A good friend frequently reminds me that all of the times “suddenly” appears in Scripture, it usually occurs after a long season of waiting and prayer. What appears sudden is actually the result of preparation for God’s perfect timing. The waiting is not easy, but God is faithful.

The Lord’s word came to pass for Habakkuk, and it is coming to pass for me. God’s Word for you will come to pass as well. It may not come in the time, or in the way, you expect, but God did not forget you, or the vision. Don’t lose heart, and don’t give up. Wait for it. It is not over until God says so, and remember, all of the promises of God are, “Yes, and Amen.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)

So, if you are holding onto a vision from God, but seeing no results, keep the vision large so you can see it, and remember, “If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay.”

About Chuck