Good Day!

“Remember, I am with you always” – Matthew 28:20

Today, is a good day! It’s not a holiday, or a family celebration, and I have idea what it will bring. So far, the morning included a shower, breakfast, and some coffee, but I know it is a good day. You may wonder how I know and the answer is simple, Jesus is with me.

It is all too easy to let the external circumstances of our lives dictate our feelings and beliefs. We are often encouraged to believe that the quality of a day is based upon what is, or will be, happening. However, that is not the true test. There is something (someone) greater at work in the moments of our lives that matters far more than our schedules, our successes, or our obstacles.

On one of our international mission trips, I sat with a woman from the local area. It was clear that poverty was pervasive there, and there were numerous needs for everyone in the community. It was also obvious that the people were filled with great love and joy. I confess I was a little dumbfounded by the juxtaposition of those two realities, and apparently, it showed. My new friend looked at me and said, “You don’t get it do you?” I confessed that she was right. With that her smile grew and she replied, “We have everything, because we have Jesus!”

Life is full of challenges, numerous things that work to steal our joy, yet those things are not the final word. That privilege belongs to the one who says, “Behold, I make all things new.” Our creative God, who speaks things into existence, calls forth each day, and calls the creation “good,” promised, though Jesus, to be with us always.

So, as this day begins, it is not how we feel, or what awaits us that determines if this will be a good or bad day. Rather, it is the One who breathed into us the breath of life and is with us always that declares the goodness of today.

Today, is a good day, because, through Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit, God is with us. With that knowledge, we can all go forth and see the day for what it truly is.

About Chuck