Awesome Generosity

Autumn’s beauty is upon us, drawing our attention to the wonders of God in the creation that surrounds us. Trees blaze with leaves of red, orange and yellow. Skies capture our vision with drastic shifts between brilliant blues and black foreboding clouds. The smell in the air, the sounds of geese beginning to move away and busyness of birds and squirrels as they make ready for the cold winter all remind us of the beauty, wonder and blessings that God brings into our lives.

​This month, our attention turns toward thankfulness and generosity. As we begin to decorate our homes, make plans with our families and bring in the stores for our harvest celebrations, we also begin to make ready our hearts to offer our thanks and praise to God. We recall the journey we took to get to where we are and the many ways God led and protected us along the way. We take inventory of our lives and celebrate the numerous divine gifts and blessings we received: life, health, family, friends, community and our salvation through Jesus Christ. We heighten our awareness to God’s great generosity and we ask the Spirit how we should respond.

Eugene Peterson, in his biblical translation “The Message,” translates the words of Luke 6:38 to read, “Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” As we encounter the awesome, generous heart of God, what other response can there be but to be generous ourselves? As those who know the joy and wonder of being blessed, we want to see those gifts developed in the lives of those around us. Instead of focusing more on what we can “get,” we look for God’s guidance to understand how we can give.

Too often, giving is only discussed in terms of money and pledges, and we easily begin to feel that our giving is really only about what others think they can get from us, but real generosity is not only about a check or some currency. Instead, it is about a lifestyle where we seek to demonstrate the heart and attitude of God in everything we say and do. God’s loving, giving Spirit is extravagant, should ours be anything different in response?

This month, as we consider thankfulness, let us demonstrate it with more than words. Beyond a few memories and words prayed before our Thanksgiving meal, let’s take action to offer God our sacrifice of praise through acts of extravagant generosity. Our actions will speak volumes to those around us, will strengthen our spirits in the process and, most importantly, will bless the heart of God.

​You are blessed by God. Be thankful! Be generous! Be extravagant!

About Chuck