Costly Relationships

Yesterday, our family celebrated with some good friends as they stood before the Lord and said, “Yes,” to each other. It was a wonderful wedding on a beautiful day and we were so thankful to be included with other family and friends to witness and bless their act of holy covenant. While nearly every wedding is special and beautiful, when the couple clearly loves God and each other, it is even more captivating.

As the bride and groom stood before the pastor, they shared personal words as well as the traditional vows. They shared their hearts openly, gave themselves willingly and received each other joyfully. The words, the actions and the attitudes were all powerful, but they were clearly the result of a long journey together. This was not the act of two people who just met each other, but was an expression of the life they shared together to get to this point, and their intention to continue together on the path.

Relationships develop. They take time and energy to build. Lasting, meaningful relationships require a significant investment. There are no cheap shortcuts, no magical methods. There is only the commitment to embrace each other and face life together. Serious relationships cost us something. The more important they are, the more they demand of us.

This is not only true of marriages and families, but it is especially true in our walk with God. A meaningful relationship with God does not come from an occasional visit or a little effort. That is the definition of dating. A real relationship with Christ, one with depth and significance is forged with deep commitment and shared experiences. It is built out of a passionate desire to be together, to love each other, and is the culmination of multitudes of moments, big and small, shared with one another. Walking through challenges and valleys with Jesus draws us closer to him. Facing new possibilities that stretch us inspires deeper trust in his provisions. Even, maybe even especially, the accumulation of the mundane moments that make up every day life, when shared with our Savior, become a shaping influence on our relationship.

Real relationships cost us, but they are worth the cost. During the service, I took my wife’s hand. I thought about how thankful I was to be there with her and how blessed I am to be her husband. I know our relationship has required a big investment from both of us over the past 26 years, but it is worth it. There is no one who knows me like she does and no one I know like I know her, and no one I would rather be with at a wedding, on a date, or simply sitting with in the family room. Our friends will face big investments too, but it will be worth it for them as well, just as it was for us. It is that way for each of us in our relationship with God as well.

As we worship today, we give ourselves to God. We pour out our lives believing that God will pour his life into us. The relationship we share cost Christ everything, yet he believed it was worth it. It is worth it for us to do the same. May today be a day of new beginnings in the depth and meaning of our relationship with him, as we celebrate where we’ve been together and where we are going.

About Chuck