Rest in the Arms of God

I got to hold my new grandson for the first time last night. What a wonderful gift! Looking down as he rested in my arms, his sweet eyes looking back through his desire to go back to sleep, was one of the more precious moments of my life. Looking at each detail of his face, his hands, and his feet filled me with awe and the beauty of creation. In that personal moment, I sensed the joy of God.

God frequently uses my family to teach me valuable lessons. The first time my daughter called me, “Daddy,” I sensed the pleasure God must feel when we recognize our connection to him. At times when parenting was challenging, I sensed the pain God must feel when we try to blaze our own path, often in opposition to his will. Last night, I reveled in the joy God must feel when he looks at us.

What stuck me most, however, was how helpless he was and yet, how trusting. Unable to do anything on his own, totally dependent upon others for everything, he slept in my arms, trusting me completely. I could not help but think what a powerful illustration this moment was of our relationship with God, utterly dependent upon him, and able to rest safely in his arms.

Life does not always feel this way. Sometimes, we begin to believe that we can do it ourselves, that we have no real need for God. Sometimes, we allow our fears and frustrations to keep us from resting, even when we are safely in the arms of God. Watching my grandson sleep with his head in the crook of my elbow, I wondered why I find it so difficult to trust and rest.

I believe this is part of what Jesus had in mind when he said that we must become as little children to enter the kingdom of God. In order to embrace the what God designs for us, we must accept the we are completely dependent upon God. There is actually no way we can do it successfully on our own. We are not actually self-made. Our success in not really the result of our own greatness and ability. We are the precious creation of God in need of God to have real life.

Once we accept our need for God and understand that he is the answer to everything in our lives, we are then in a position to rest in the arms of God. We can stop struggling and surrender to our trust in God’s ability. We can discover and keep our peace. We can find our rest in God.

As we enter the weekend, may we all be willing to become as little children. May we surrender our need to control and place our lives, our very selves into the hands of God. May we find our perfect rest in him.

About Chuck