Thanks for Your Patience

I want to thank all of my subscribers and readers for their patience. I could list a number of things that have consumed my time, but the deeper reality is that I have been wrestling with inspiration, not merely the inspiration to sit at the computer and write, but the inspiration to have something of substance to say.

The past two weeks, I was forced to stop, rest and reflect due to a significant infection in my leg from a black fly bite. It was not what I wanted, but it turns out, it was exactly what I needed. I spent a significant amount of time on the sofa with my leg up. It was painful to walk, and my family had a number of things happening in their lives, so I was there alone with God. In that quiet time, I could hear the still, small voice renewing me and speaking new life to my spirit.

A friend of mine often says, “remember, God never wastes a hurt.” He is not suggesting that God causes hurts, but that God is the one with the power to redeem even the hurtful places of our lives. In our pain, our challenges and our frustrations, God can make a way that leads us through and brings us out stronger that we were.

In the book of James, we are reminded to, “consider it pure joy brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kinds.” Sometimes it is difficult to find the joy in those trials, but it we believe God to be who he claims to be and if our faith is placed in God and his ability to work in our lives, then we can find peace in our chaos and joy in our struggles.

Two days ago, while riding in the car with my wife, I told her, “I would never wish to be sick or in pain, but I am so thankful for this experience. I am so glad it happened because it changed my life.” The truth is, I would count what God did during this time as one of the top three or four spiritual experiences I’ve had in my life.

So, with my cup running over and my inspiration bursting forth… I am back. Thanks for waiting. I look forward to the journey together.

About Chuck

2 thoughts on “Thanks for Your Patience

  1. As well, I wonder if it is appropriate for me to say I’m glad this became a useful/good experience for you. I suppose that’s better than it being wasted. And I’ll pray that you stay rested and spiritually filled so the need for such times stays far away.

  2. Thank you Karen. I am glad it turned out this way as well. Just another example of the goodness of God. I too, pray that I will nights the seeds planted during this season. It is challenging to face these divine overhauls when they occur, but in the end, they are worth it. I would, however, prefer to experience the smaller, daily corrections as you said. Blessings.

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