Advent – Don’t Miss It

There is just something wrong with finding the Halloween candy and the candy canes next to each other,” was the quote posted by a good friend of our family as she lamented the advance celebration of the holidays. Most of us have probably had similar feelings as we watched the Christmas decorations come out near the beginning of October, and most recently the Black Friday sales available a week before Thanksgiving.

We enjoy our celebrations, but we do not want to miss them, or the space between them in a mad rush to get to the next one. There is something special about taking the time to fully enjoy the celebration that is before us, before moving on to something new. The frantic pace of business and culture makes savoring these moments more difficult and it has even made its way into the church.

November 28th, we enter the season of Advent, a season of preparation and expectation. It is the time when we anticipate the celebration of our Savior’s birth and look forward to his return. It is a season meant to increase our sense of wonder and our excitement over what is yet to come. In four simple, yet special weeks, we prepare ourselves, our families and our community for the joy of Christmas. Meanwhile, the world around us is already celebrating Christmas. The baby is already in the manger surrounded by shepherds and the wise men have already come. By the time Christmas arrives, the celebration is nearly over, when it should be just beginning.

We cannot stop the world from celebrating too soon, but we can be sure to take our time. We can be patient, allowing the expectation to build, and like Mary, ponder these things in our heart. This Advent season, I encourage you not to rush too quickly to Christmas, but enjoy this time of preparation and anticipation. It is only four weeks and will be gone before you know it. So before I wish you Merry Christmas, I say to you, “Have a blessed Advent!” It is a great season – don’t miss it.

About Chuck