Embracing Change

The final Conference bringing the merging of four regional conferences together, getting our youngest daughter back to school for her senior year, kicking off the beginning of the church program year, and a myriad of meetings to get ready for the year’s end, these are the things that have filled my schedule recently. It is amazing how quickly the pace of life can change. In what seems like an instant, we can go from the relaxed pace of vacation to the busyness of the fall season.

These quick changes can be unnerving and all too often, we resist them. There is something in human nature that likes our routine and enjoys the thought of life being relaxed and easy – what we imagine is “normal.” Reality, however, never quite looks like our vision of normal. Things happen that disrupt our days and seasons. Busy times and significant challenges undo our fantasy and we must adapt to the changes in our lives.

As I adjusted to the recent changes in my own life, I discovered, or remembered, a few keys to embracing change in my life.

First, change is normal. It is important to remember that a changeless life only exists in fantasy. Change is woven into the fabric of life. From the changing of the seasons to the advancing of years we see the impact of change.

Second, change can be beautiful. As summer is giving way to autumn, the beauty of change is easy to see. I always look forward to this time of year. The cooler temperatures, the smell of wood fires, the taste of fresh cider are all something I anticipate and that I could not experience without the change of this season.

Third, change can be exciting. When was the last time you sat with friends and recalled the day when nothing interesting happened? Routine days are never the stuff of great memories or stories. Instead, it is the special times, the unique experiences, even the difficult moments that become the tales we tell.

Fourth, change is shaped by our attitude. When we embrace the possibilities in the midst of our changes, we are more aware of the open doors and the blessings that are available to us in those moments. As long as we look backward toward what used to be, our attention is removed from our future and the destiny that lies ahead.

Finally, change is an adventure that helps us clarify our priorities. When our world is tilting, or maybe even shaking, we are drawn back to the things that really matter and we are able to see what is really guiding our lives. This is the place of testing where we can see if God really has our undivided attention. This is the time where we learn how much of our agenda and dreams are connected to Christ and how much is merely my own wants.

Change is real, it is common and it is not all bad. Change can be the doorway to assess our lives and to experience the new thing that God is doing. Change is challenging, but it can be a tool in the hand of God to lead us to our destiny. May the changes in your life, like those in mine, lead to clarity, opportunity and blessing.

About Chuck