Home With God

I remember the excitement I felt prior to my wedding. After several years of dating including a two year engagement, the day we waited for was about to arrive. Our wedding day was even postponed one year due to an unexpected illness, so as the time approached, we were both ready to celebrate.

More than anything, I could not wait to make our new home where I would be able to share my life with my bride. While it has become increasingly more common for couples to live together prior to their marriage, we wanted to take things in their proper order and wait until we were married. So, I could not wait for the precious moments of waking up together, sharing time at home with one another, and ending our day together.

Now, 25 years later, I still celebrate those wonderful little moments that make up being home with my wife. Whether it is sharing coffee on the porch, eating dinner together or just waking up in the middle of the night to the presence of the one I love next to me, being home with her is one of the greatest blessings of my life.

In John’s gospel, we hear the words of Jesus, “”If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” (14:23) Think of that. Jesus is saying that when we walk with him in the light of his teaching, God chooses to make his home with us.

Now, I remain amazed at the beauty of sharing my life with my wife, but the thought of the Creator of the world choosing to share that same intimacy with me is truly awesome. God wants to be in relationship with humanity – a close relationship. God loves us so much that he wants to make his home with us.

God called Abraham, “friend,” and he wants that deep relationship with us as well. That is an awesome and beautiful thing, and it is a reason to celebrate our life with God. Right here, right now, Jesus Christ is making his home with all those who will choose to obey his teaching and enjoy the relationship that follows.

About Chuck