Good Medicine

I just finished watching Christian comedian Tim Hawkins in his video “I’m No Rockstar” with my family.

What a wonderful experience. The comedy was extremely funny and left all of us crying from laughter at least once during the performance. It was wonderful to laugh with the family and enjoy something positive together.

I am glad to see an example of someone who can offer a quality experience without the need to be rude and base. So often it seems that the entertainers of our time feel the need to compete to see who can be the rudest, foulest, and most inappropriate. After a while, the culture begins to believe that such expressions are what are truly humorous and entertaining. I appreciate Tim’s willingness to avoid such cheap humor and to offer instead, something thoughtful and respectful.

Humor is such an important part of our lives. Recently, I wrote a post on the joy of the Lord being our strength. We take this too lightly. Joy, humor and laughter can make a great difference in our lives. The Bible even says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22 NIV)

I remember a time nearly 18 years ago when I was recovering from surgery. My wife and I were in a hotel room near the hospital waiting for me to strengthen before I could make the drive home. The procedure came with some complications and I had a very difficult time in my recovery. I remember being afraid that I would never be able to make the trip home.

It was in the midst of my pain, and my fear, that my wife took action to help me. She knew that part of my challenge was how I saw my circumstances, so she rented a couple of humorous videos to watch in the room. It was about an hour into the first movie that I began to laugh, and once that started it was difficult to stop. To this day, I still mark that laughter as the moment things began to change. There was still a great deal of physical recovery to go, but my laughter began to change my attitude, helping me to receive my healing.

Don’t neglect laughter in your life, even in sober and challenging times. A little humor can give you fresh perspective and help you take the next steps you need to take. It can also help you bond with your family, which is what I am going to go back and continue to do.

About Chuck