Tenacious Faith

How far are you willing to go with God?

Jesus, nearing his crucifixion, asked the disciples if they were able to drink from the cup that He would drink from. Would they be willing to pursue the path that they were on, even if the end was not pleasant? The disciples were sure that they could do it. In His presence and the passion of the moment it seemed they could do anything. In the end, they were able, but it was more difficult than they ever expected.

We all want to be finishers in the race. We want to experience and achieve all that God plans for us, but to do that, we will need to develop a tenacity of faith that refuses to be satisfied with anything less that God’s best. We must allow God to grow a faith within us that presses on even when the way seems impossible.

Mark, the Gospel writer, tells the story of a woman who pressed through the crowds and through the standards of the day to touch Jesus. In fact, she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” (Mark 5:28) She knew that the power to heal her body was in Jesus. He was her answer, and if she would keep pressing toward Him, she would be healed. She knew that her illness marked her as unclean and that she was not to touch anyone, and certainly not a holy man. Yet, she was undaunted in her pursuit. She simply would not leave until she was whole. That is tenacious faith.

This is the kind of faith God wants to build in you. It is not stubbornness or some form of hostility toward change. It is a deep assurance of the promises of God that well up within us until we say, “I will not be satisfied with anything less than all that God has for me. I will not be deterred. I will not give up. I will not let go of God or His promises.”

This was also the attitude of Jacob’s heart when he wrestled with God. In the book of Genesis we find the story of a man accustomed to deception and avoidance, who ultimately decides to passionately hold onto God, whatever the cost. As he wrestles with the Lord, he boldly declares, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” This is not selfishness, nor foolishness; it is the heart cry of a person of tenacious faith. It is the declaration of trust in the promises and character of God that inspires an undaunted commitment to lay hold of God and never let go.

A nameless woman pressed on, through physical and social barriers. Jacob held on until he received God’s blessing. What about you? Are you going part of the way, or are you going all the way to the end? Will you commit yourself to developing a tenacity of faith that refuses to be satisfied with anything less than God’s very best? Will you let God build within you a radical, unrelenting, uncompromising, no-retreating faith that will carry you across the finish line? Will you respond to the question, “How far are you willing to go with God,” with the tenacious faith that says, “All the way. All the way!”

May God bless you with an abundance of tenacious faith.

About Chuck