Anxious Faith

I’m anxious. There, I said it, the dreaded statement Christians are not supposed to say. I can already hear the words forming in the mind of many of the faithful, “We’re people of faith, not fear. We are not to be anxious. Just trust. What is there to worry about if God is with us?” Anxiety, it would seem is a sign of week faith; […]


The old Boy Scout motto, “Be prepared,” is sage advice, especially in crisis, but how do you prepare for something you don’t know to expect? I took a class during my second year of seminary entitled, “How to Pastor During a Pandemic.” Okay, that’s not true. Actually, there were no classes addressing community crises, and there is no secret clergy instruction book for ministry in […]

Victory Over Fear

Capturing God’s vision for our lives is the first step, then comes the challenging part – translating that vision into action in our lives. One of the biggest challenges is overcoming the fear that accompanies walking the path God calls us to travel on. Fear is a daunting adversary. It can be debilitating at times, numbing us to the truth and eroding our confidence. One […]