Working Through the Mess

Sometimes, we have to work through the mess. Once again this year, I am participating in Inktober, a challenge created by artist Jake Parker to crest one ink drawing a day for the month of October. My first year was 2016, and the process was helpful in strengthening my drawing skills. This year, I am a little behind, but enjoying the process. Day one of […]


Waiting goes hand-in-hand with pondering and, though not always easy to do, the results are certainly worth the effort. The story of Jesus unfolds one day at a time, just as our lives do. There was no button Jesus or his family could press that would leap them forward in the story. They had to walk out the plans of God in their lives like […]

Waiting With God

“I can’t wait until I…” was a mantra from my past. There were numerous markers on the path to ordained ministry. Barely would I complete one, before I was anticipating the next. Whether it was completing a phase of education, or passing another interview with the Board of Ordained ministry! I could not wait to get passed the next step. Thankfully, another pastor who served […]