Slow Down

Busyness is not a sign of success, effectiveness, or importance, yet many live their lives as if it is. Busyness is a sign that our schedules are too full, and we are missing the opportunity to be fully present in the moment, focused on our true priorities. Of course, there are times, maybe even seasons, where circumstances require us to live with heavy agendas, but […]

The Opinion that Truly Matters

Early in my ministry, my wife handed me a cartoon of a woman speaking to her husband who was pouring over his schedule. It read, “Just remember honey, Jesus loves you, and everyone else has a wonderful plan for your life.” As laughable as it was, it is also quite the reality for just about everyone I know. It seems many people around us are […]

Making Time (Part 1) – Making Time for God

“My child, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways” – Psalm 23:26 It is hard to give your heart to someone you rarely spend time with. Not only is it difficult to a relationship without the investment, but all of the other distractions will seem so much more attractive. It takes time to share your heart, but time is a precious, […]