Uncomfortable Comfort

There are times when comfort is a blessing. The things that make us comfortable make us feel at ease, just like we are home. Just the word conjures images of the comfy chair, classic comfort foods, and the routines that bring peace to our lives. Yet, too much of such comfort leads to unhealthy situations. Often, we need discomfort to move us out of our […]


Life is annoying. Not all the time, but there are moments when your plans and expectations are replaced with more pressing needs or unexpected distractions. These times can quickly steal your joy and affect other areas of your life. We can not isolate ourselves from annoyances, and in the bigger picture, they are often quite insignificant. At any moment, we know that there are people […]

Give Yourself Some Grace

I’ve never been a fan of my mistakes. I know I am not perfect, but I think I often expect that of myself. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement said we were, “going on to perfection.” It is both a destination and a journey, and likely, a journey that lasts a lifetime. At times, we can expect too much from others, but hopefully, we […]