Working Through the Mess

Sometimes, we have to work through the mess. Once again this year, I am participating in Inktober, a challenge created by artist Jake Parker to crest one ink drawing a day for the month of October. My first year was 2016, and the process was helpful in strengthening my drawing skills. This year, I am a little behind, but enjoying the process. Day one of […]

Lift off!

There is nothing quite like knowing you are on your way! There is a sense of excitement and joy that comes from each new beginning in our lives. We feel things begin to tremble as we begin to launch and we know that we are underway, something amazing is about to begin. The anticipation is tangible. Even facing some fear and the unknowns, we know […]


Bridges, trains, and the acrid smell of industry; rivers marked with barges of coal, these and many more are the images of home. I am a Pittsburgh boy, and, truthfully, that never leaves you. There is something about the city and the region that captures a piece of your heart forever. It is part of what makes our sports fans so annoying to others. We […]