In the Weeds

For several years we enjoyed a perennial garden in our yard. It was surprising because we are not especially gifted at caring for plants. That is understatement. The truth is we kill things we attempt to grow, so having a successful garden was an accomplishment. Years later, I learned that perennials are basically weeds that look pretty, meaning we successfully raised weeds. Our success was […]

Working Through the Mess

Sometimes, we have to work through the mess. Once again this year, I am participating in Inktober, a challenge created by artist Jake Parker to crest one ink drawing a day for the month of October. My first year was 2016, and the process was helpful in strengthening my drawing skills. This year, I am a little behind, but enjoying the process. Day one of […]

Why I Never Volunteer at Church

I hear it frequently, and have many times over the past 30 years of ministry, “We just cannot get enough volunteers.” It seems like most churches wrestle with this issue. How can we get more people to volunteer for the various ministries we offer? Sometimes, this leads to a place of great frustration where leaders begin to believe that nobody cares about the ministry of […]