In the Weeds

For several years we enjoyed a perennial garden in our yard. It was surprising because we are not especially gifted at caring for plants. That is understatement. The truth is we kill things we attempt to grow, so having a successful garden was an accomplishment. Years later, I learned that perennials are basically weeds that look pretty, meaning we successfully raised weeds. Our success was […]

What is Truth?

It is not just what you believe that matters. Why you believe it is equally important. I confess that the reasoning I find behind much of what I currently read is slightly maddening. At the speed we currently share information, ideas, and opinions, it is easy to understand why we shortchange the hard, time-consuming work of reasoning and reflection, choosing to accept arguments that neatly […]

Celebrating the Expectation

As we enter the season of Advent, I brought back a post from eight years ago (with a little editing). I still remember our first Christmas with our children. It was an awesome season filled with a special wonder and joy. Our long season of prayerful expectation was now replaced with three precious lives come to share life with us. What a wonderful Christmas that […]