Discern God’s Will – Scripture

Living the Christian life requires a constant effort to discern God’s will and to put that direction into action. Discovering God’s will for our lives, our families, our faith communities, and the world is not always easy. Situations are often complicated and the right course of action is not always clear. How do we discern God’s direction? What tools are there to help us in […]

Truth for Itching Ears

The truth hurts, doesn’t it? Yes, sometimes it does, but if it is really the truth, the pain that follows does not lack purpose. A real revelation of truth corrects wrong thinking and direction, and brings forth life in its wake.     The Apostle Paul, writing to his protegee Timothy, encouraged him to hold fast to the truth of faith, for his sake, and […]

The Opinion that Truly Matters

Early in my ministry, my wife handed me a cartoon of a woman speaking to her husband who was pouring over his schedule. It read, “Just remember honey, Jesus loves you, and everyone else has a wonderful plan for your life.” As laughable as it was, it is also quite the reality for just about everyone I know. It seems many people around us are […]