Extravagant Worship

Worship is extravagant. When we speak of worship, beyond our Christian conversations, we easily equate the action to deep emotion and value. “I worship the ground she walks on,” we say, and we know that we are sharing how deeply we feel toward that person we love. To say such a thing is an expression of profound love, appreciation and desire. It is the nature […]

A House of Prayer

As many of us head to Worship Services this morning, I wonder what we expect will happen while we are there. Sure, we know there will be hymns, some Scripture and a message from the pastor. We likely expect to see some friends, pray for our church family, and hear the list of announcements. All this and more may well happen, but that is not […]

Out of the Ashes

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.” The words are stark, but this traditional phrase, spoken at the imposition of ashes during the Ash Wednesday service, is a powerful entrance to the meaning of the Lenten season. Lent began yesterday, and once again we embarked upon our 40 day journey toward the joy of Easter. These precious days give us an […]