A House of Prayer

As many of us head to Worship Services this morning, I wonder what we expect will happen while we are there. Sure, we know there will be hymns, some Scripture and a message from the pastor. We likely expect to see some friends, pray for our church family, and hear the list of announcements. All this and more may well happen, but that is not […]


“Don’t be afraid,” it is an easy thing to say, but how do you conquer the fear welling up inside you? What do you do when life brings circumstances that shake your world? Is there something you can do that is more than wishing you were not afraid? The answer is, undeniably, “Yes!” The first step to overcoming fear in our lives is to recognize […]

Fear Not!

“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” so say the classic words of the childhood story of the little chicken who clamored for attention. They are words we remember, and sadly, words we hear every day. There are numerous voices that attempt to speak into our thoughts and lives every day. Some speak blessing and hope, while others curses and fear. Some come with […]