God with Skin On

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” – John1:14 Sometimes, the greatest gifts come in the smallest packages. They often seem common, and their value may only be captured by those who truly realize what they have. I feel this way about this […]

Welcome Back

Juggling the many details and situations of life can leave us so busy that we only have time for the most pressing priorities. Even the things we love can suddenly be eclipsed by the things we need to do. Sometimes, as we cross off some of the higher priorities, other valuable things rise to the surface, but then there are the times we must dig […]

Grace for Guilt

A man or woman who has not faced adversity has a diminished understanding of where belief comes from, and of the true value of life. Those who have not experienced great brokenness do not fully comprehend the immense love found in grace. The greater the need for forgiveness, the greater the potential for appreciating the gift of new life. I have a list of experiences […]