Celebrating Saints

Yesterday was All Saints Day. Admittedly, this is a day created by the church of the past to offer a more Christian focus for celebrating the transition from October to November. It never quite eclipsed the celebration of Halloween, but it did add an important day of remembrance to the church calendar. When the Bible refers to “saints” it is clearly a reference to all […]


“I don’t want to study!” I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard those words, and how many times I said them. There are times when all of us would rather not expend the metal effort to take in more information. Sometimes we feel too tired or maybe the material does not excite us, but whatever the reason, we don’t feel like learning any […]

Seeking Order

It seemed like a good day for poetry… Maybe there are days when you feel like you get in your own way and complicate your journey. I know the feeling well… I create too many rules     dreaming of an ordered life          It is fantasy Like creations of sand by the ocean side,     my ideals are fleeting          carried away by the flow of life Freedom and […]