
Our family spent the last two nights relaxing by a small fire in the backyard. It was a wonderful time together and a great way to unwind. Our home has a significant amount of undeveloped property around it, giving us ability to enjoy the beauty and wonder of nature. As I reflected on last night’s experience and the wonder of all God’s creation, I was reminded […]

Where Are You Looking?

Dr. Samuel P. Langley was a respected former professor of mathematics and astronomy who became the director of the Smithsonian Institution. He was an accomplished thinker, scientist, and inventor who published several important works on aerodynamic. He also possessed a vision for achieving manned flight. In 1898, Langley approached the U.S. War Department for funding to design and build and airplane to carry a man […]

The Skies Speak

Last night our church youth and friends joined for an overnight camp-out on the church lawn. After an eventful time setting up tents and a few rounds of capture the flag, we gathered for devotions and communion around the fire. Our youth leader spoke for a few minutes, then it was my turn to share devotions and the gifts of bread and a little grape […]