Keep it Simple

I’ve been reading (and rereading) Radical, by David Platt. It is a challenging look at how we blend American culture and philosophies with the Gospel message. More that simply understanding the message of the Bible through our cultural background, Platt argues we are reworking the true message of the biblical witness to fit our personal agendas and preconceptions. As I reviewed the chapter on we […]

Holiday Traditions

One of our family’s favorite traditions is decorating the Christmas tree. Like everyone else who has a tree for the holidays, we like to make it look pretty, but it is the activities that surround this traditional event that make it so special. When we first married, my wife and I had no ornaments for the tree, and we also lacked the finances to purchase […]

Our Journey

A poem written for my wife. Today we celebrate 26 years of sharing our married journey together. Her eyes still reflect the lightOf the candle we lit together.Her touch still speaksIt’s language of intimacy and love. The path we’ve sharedResembles the one we charted.While the destination first embraced,Is still our journey’s goal. Her love for me grows deeperAs does mine for her,As our hearts are […]