The Gift of Praise

This morning, I am preaching from Mary’s response to the angel’s news that she was to be the mother of the Promised One. Luke’s Gospel captures her words in the first chapter, “And Mary said, my soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant….” She goes on from there […]

Christmas Perspective

I am, unfortunately, prone to the occasional bout of whining. Often, it comes in some form of self-pity that believes my life should be different, that I shouldn’t have to face things I want to avoid or go without things I want. This is typically when I hear the voice of a good friend shouting, “First world problems.” There is a lot of truth to […]

Our Advent Journey

Christmas is less than two weeks away and many of us are busily preparing for its arrival. For several weeks, my staff and I have been addressing the details of that season, especially our celebrations on Christmas Eve. Our Sunday School children are working hard to prepare for their program and our outreach ministries are keeping us focused on ways to bless others. Personally, our […]