Get Out There

Jesus told his disciples they were to, “Go.” The Great Commission, as it has come to be known, was an assignment to take the knowledge and experience of the saving grace of God and go to furthest corners of the world to share it. Such a task requires action to complete. There is no room for passivity and apathy, this is a mission of passion and purpose. […]

Keep Your Focus

When I was preparing for ministry, my wife’s grandmother called me to her bedside in the nursing home and gave me this advice, “Always remember, your job is to study God’s word, preach God’s word, and love the people.” It was wonderful advice, and one of the best summations of pastoral minsitry I’ve heard. The real challenge is keeping that focus. Every day, I try […]

Patient Grace

Earlier today, I was pondering what attribute of God’s character had the greatest impact on my life. Now, I know that it is impossible to narrow it to one and that I am in need of all that God is in my life. I also realize that, like a favorite passage of scripture, choosing one favorite part of God’s character is likely to change depending […]