Our Advent Journey

Christmas is less than two weeks away and many of us are busily preparing for its arrival. For several weeks, my staff and I have been addressing the details of that season, especially our celebrations on Christmas Eve. Our Sunday School children are working hard to prepare for their program and our outreach ministries are keeping us focused on ways to bless others. Personally, our […]

In the Light of the Season

The weather is finally starting to change. It is hard to believe it was over 60 degrees on Tuesday. It certainly was not normal for early December, and while the warmth was enjoyable, it was a little disturbing to think that the natural order was so out of step with what should be happening at this time of year. Less than 24 hours later, however, […]

Simply Sacred

As we continue to prepare for the upcoming move, we face that challenge of challenges – finding boxes. It is amazing how many you need to move a houseful of belongings, especially if you are a pastor with a healthy library. After commenting on Facebook about finding a particularly large number of good boxes, a friend commented, “Nothing like moving to make one appreciate the […]