Discern God’s Will – Tradition

Every time I think about tradition, I cannot help but think of Tevye boldly singing, “Tradition!” in the musical Fiddler on the Roof. Throughout the performance, he is faced with challenges to his traditions as he desperately tries to hold on to them. Slowly, he begins to accept that some of those traditions need to change. It might seem that, if traditions are flexible in […]

A New Chapter

How did you spend New Year’s Day? We spent it together as family, enjoying some of our traditions and taking time to appreciate one another. Most of what we did would be considered boring by many people, but the day was filled with a sense of meaning and family, even the nap I took to catch up on the sleep I lost watching the ball […]

Not Again

Philosopher George Santayana is famously quoted as saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This can be true of nations and individuals, and it is certainly true within the Christian faith. For a while now, I have been watching posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, which are filled with pop theology, and they certainly are popular. Apparently,  the […]