
We are half-way there! Today is the sixth day of Christmas, the one with the six geese a laying. Our culture has been selling Christmas so long this season that it already feels like it should be over. In fact, most of the stores I’ve been in have already shifted their merchandise and sales to Valentines Day. It is easy to feel like there has […]

Christmas Meditation

I’ve always enjoyed Christmas lights, especially on the tree. My father allowed me to help with setting up the tree and putting on the lights and it was a big day when I was allowed to be responsible for the lights all by myself. Sometimes, late at night, I would go downstairs and light the tree. I would lay on the sofa and just take […]

Night Lessons

What we give our attention to during the day, often makes its way into our nights. Many of us likely remember a few scary dreams that came after watching a frightening movie, or waking up with a song we listened to playing in our heads. It is not uncommon for things we studied to surface in our minds as we try to sleep, and many […]